Wooden Pole
150mm BALAU 3ft
Wooden Pole
350mm BALAU 14ft
Wooden Pole
200mm BALAU 26ft


Pioneer Suppliers of Wooden Poles in Diverse Wood Species and Dimensions
In the world of construction, landscaping, and utility infrastructure, wooden poles stand as timeless symbols of strength, reliability, and sustainability. As the demand for these essential components continues to grow, so does the need for innovative suppliers who can meet diverse requirements. Amidst this landscape, our company stands tall as a pioneer, offering an unparalleled range of wooden poles crafted from various wood species and dimensions.
Yellow Balau Outdoor Bench 350mm x 14ft
Balau Wooden Pole
In the realm of outdoor furniture, durability is paramount. Recognizing this, we ensure that our benches are built to withstand the test of time. Yellow Balau hardwood, renowned for its exceptional durability and weather resistance, ensures that our benches retain their beauty and functionality for years to come, even in the face of harsh outdoor conditions.
200mm x 3ft
KEKATONG Wooden Pole
PLAYGROUND Crafting Safe Adventures: Hardwood Wooden Poles for Playground Applications. Playgrounds are more than just places for children to frolic and have fun; they are environments where imaginations soar, friendships are forged, and memories are made. When it comes to playground equipment, safety and durability are paramount. Enter hardwood wooden poles, sturdy and resilient structures that form the backbone of playgrounds worldwide.
150mm x 3ft
Balau Wooden Pole
Yellow Balau Outdoor Boot Camp 300mm x 18ft
Balau Wooden Pole
In the dynamic world of outdoor fitness, the choice of equipment can make a significant difference in the effectiveness and safety of workouts. Balau hardwood wooden poles, with their strength, stability, versatility, and resilience, serve as indispensable assets in outdoor boot camp applications.
200mm x 26ft
BALAU Wooden Pole
COLUMN In the world of architecture, hardwood columns stand as enduring symbols of strength, beauty, and architectural sophistication. Crafted from the finest quality BALAU and KASAI hardwood and other wood species, these columns not only provide essential structural support but also elevate the aesthetic appeal of buildings, imparting a sense of timeless elegance and grandeur to the built environment.
200mm x 26ft
KASAI Wooden Pole
Yellow Balau Heavy Construction 75mm x 8ft
Balau Wooden Pole
In the demanding world of heavy construction, the choice of materials is crucial for the success and longevity of projects. Balau hardwood poles stand out as the premier option, offering unparalleled strength, durability, and resilience.
Balau Animal Wood Stool
Animal Wood Stool In the world of home decor and furniture design, unique pieces that combine functionality with aesthetic appeal are always in demand. One such distinctive item is the animal wood stool, crafted from the robust and beautiful Balau hardwood pole. These stools are not only functional pieces of furniture but also charming decor items that add a touch of rustic elegance to any space.
Animal Stool Application
350mm x 2ft
Balau Animal Wood Stool